Updating code from MSXML to System.XML.


New Member
Hello,I am trying to update some of my code from MSXML to System.XML. I am findingthisdifficult due to the lack of documentation and examples that are available.The code that I am trying to change generates a dynamic menu, and uses twoDOMDocumentobjects. One object loads in a string of XML data that I supply it, the otherloadsin an XSL file, used to format the XML data. I then use the transformNodemethod andRespose.Write the resulting HTML to the page, producing the menu.Here is the MSXML code:'Set up the XML and XSL objects.oMenuXml = New MSXML2.DOMDocument()oMenuXml.async = FalseoMenuXml.validateOnParse = FalseoMenuXsl = New MSXML2.DOMDocument()oMenuXsl.async = FalseoMenuXsl.validateOnParse = FalseoMenuXml.loadXML(m_oStringBuilder.ToString()) 'Load in the XML string.oMenuXsl.load(sMenuXsl) 'Load in the XSL file.Response.Write(oMenuXml.transformNode(oMenuXsl)) 'Write out the results.I haven't been able to identify a way of doing this using the System.XMLmodel. Cananyone help?Thanks, Sean.