Updating client date and time


Hi i have a few clients that i want to sync there time with the server time we have. So any machine that runs this page will update their date time. Is this possible thanks.you want to change the clients machine's date time to the server time?!!!Yeswell i dont think that's possible, but you can get the clients DateTime by using JS, also you can like this site and alot of sites doin, modify your time for GMT time.I have used the following code on my network computers. Not sure if it will work on the web but it's something to try. you can try to run the command in you prompt screen before adding it to your code. EX: net time \\servername /set /y

Dim oShell, filesys As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.shell")
oShell.Run "net time \\servername /set /y"
Set oShell = Nothing