I have a web page for enquiry details in that page end user updates their status regarding the enquiry.
here is the page that the user can update their status
and my \[code\]sql\[/code\] query is \[code\]update enquiries_dtls set dctname = '"& name_upd &"', region = '"& city_upd &"', enquiry = '"& enquiry_upd &"', stsupdate = '"& stus_upd &"', dtupdate = '"& dt_upd &"', closingdate = '"& clsngdt_upd &"', clsedby = '"& clsdby_upd &"', revenue = '"& estrev_upd &"', apprstatus = '"& apprsts_upd &"', [clsed] = '"& clsd_upd &"' where sno = '"& Request("sno_edt") &"'\[/code\]but If I use update statement it overwrites the previous status update.
I need to get the history of the particular enquiry..I would appreciate your input and help.