Hi all, I am sure this is a fairly easy question to answer, however I am stumped.
I am trying to do an update with the following syntax..
UPDATE table SET ('field1','field2','field3') VALUES ('$foo','$man','$choo') WHERE goat_tee='$long'
you can see I implanted some widgets.. but the basic syntax is the same of what I am trying... I know I have used this syntax before but cannot remember if it would work with an UPDATE.
I am trying to do an update with the following syntax..
UPDATE table SET ('field1','field2','field3') VALUES ('$foo','$man','$choo') WHERE goat_tee='$long'
you can see I implanted some widgets.. but the basic syntax is the same of what I am trying... I know I have used this syntax before but cannot remember if it would work with an UPDATE.