Update JTextArea in a Web Service?


New Member
Me and my classmates have the assignment to make some kind of application that utilize HTML/JSP/Servlet(s).We have come up with the idea to make a simple chat system that consist of two pages. One page is for registering a username and the other page is the chat itself. You start by registering your username and press OK. Then you are redirected to the chat page itself which should be made in JSP I believe.On this page we have three elements:\[code\]JTextFieldJTextAreaJButton\[/code\]The text field is for the message that the user wants to send, the button is for sending the message and the text area is for all messages appended by all users.The thing we can't quite figure out is how we go about making the text area update so that all users can see it, without having to refresh the page all the time. How do we refresh the JTextArea only?We use NetBeans and WebServices.