Unusual help request

Sorry in advance to the expert users if this seems like a very easy problem.. <br />
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I am setting up a voting section in my web site and i created a page where using JS when someone clicks on a vote button it opens a small page to log that vote. what i planned to do was set a counter on that page and then display the current votes from that counter or tracker on the main page where the vote buttons are located.... sounds easy right. <br />
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well the main problem i have is all the counters i have tried wont let me access that info to be displayed on a page other than the one its counting for and the tracker info sites i tried hide where they are putting the page view info from so copying the code from there doesnt work either. <br />
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I am very new at JS but in general I am pretty computer literate. <br />
does anyone have a viable solution for this.. <br />
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thanks in advance for any help you can offer. <br />
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Mr English<!--content-->Not sure if this will help you, but you can get many free copy/paste polls, remotely hosted, here's one link<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.bravenet.com">http://www.bravenet.com</a><!-- m --><br />
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Lots of free webpage goodies thier<!--content-->Thanks<br />
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I am checking it out now... it occured to me after I posted that I should check along these lines and was doing so when I got your Post. <br />
Thanks again for the suggestion.:)<!--content-->