Unsubscribe from all threads at once


New Member
Is there any way to Unsubscribe from all threads at once ?
I have like 3k of threads on the subscription list... i also want to remove some users subs, i had the auto subscribe option enable by default, so every user has the as much posts as subscribed threads...
This is comsuming over 30MB on mysql tables.
of course you can, you have to excute a query :

AdminCp>Maintenance>Execute SQL query>

then in the drop down menu choose Do not subscribe and run it

WARNING: Before you run any query you have to know that there is no way back, it means if you are mistaken and you do it wrong you can't undo it, so make sure that's what you want to do, "do not subscribe for all of your users"

Please not if somthg goes wrong do not blame me!!! I have warned you

Thanks, but i already did that.
It only take effect on the threads/posts AFTER the query was taken...
All the 3k of subscribed threads still get listed on my usercp...