From time to time people offer me domains for ridiculous markups, that they have obviously bought up with a very small target market in mind. For instance, one of these was one version of my name, when I know there are only about 50 people in the UK that share it, and possibly no more than a few hundred worldwide. Out of them, I'm probably the only webmaster.
Recently I was offered another unusual domain, quite similar to a domain I own, and something that could probably only appeal to maybe half a dozen webmasters worldwide.
Is this kind of thing common? I find it hard to believe that people would waste money on registrations that there's no market for, just on the off-chance of finding someone daft enough to cough up.
Recently I was offered another unusual domain, quite similar to a domain I own, and something that could probably only appeal to maybe half a dozen webmasters worldwide.
Is this kind of thing common? I find it hard to believe that people would waste money on registrations that there's no market for, just on the off-chance of finding someone daft enough to cough up.