unmoving side bar

I am desighning a website I have microsoft front page 2000, But I cant figure out how to make the side bar stationary with buttons on it while the screen with wording still will scroll down. If the buttons scroll up then you cant see them at the bottom of the page any more. Is this possible in MSFrontpage?<!--content-->Yep:<br />
the use of frames.<br />
The left frame is the navigation,<br />
the right frame the content.<br />
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Or use a moving navigation with java script.<br />
This menu is always in view.<!--content-->yep.<br />
frames are the answer....<br />
like this page (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://home.iprimus.com.au/paegn/sites/m_contents.html">http://home.iprimus.com.au/paegn/sites/m_contents.html</a><!-- m -->) <br />
<br />
message me if you need more help.....<!--content-->Yep, frames are the simplest way to go. I would recommend experimenting with notepad rather than use an HTML cheater like Front Page. By the way, does anybody know why my Netscape Composer shows "your browser cannot show frames" when I try to open my latest creation in it? I have another question, but it is better off in a thread of it's own. It's about animation, and and I don't want to derail this thread.....<!--content-->