Unix : SVN update XML tags sometimes fails if there are too many line of files.


New Member
I'm now working with the custom deployment tool which uses for manage the source code version to be deployed on customer's servers. This tool can manage source code version by selective revision from SVN. It will generate the XML file with tags according to the file's which will be deployed and then use command "ant -f update.xml" to update the source code by the list of files and revision. The problem is when there are too many files (More than 50 - 100 files) to be updated in the list. After the "ant -f" command was invoked, there will always hang and failed in finally. I suppose that there was from the network connection between deployment system and SVN server in the case that there are too many files and need to open/close connection in many times. I have a plan to modify the program to seperates the XML file into 2 or more and invokes the "ant -f" command in different actions. But I would like to share you all if you have any better idea such a new command or new version of SVN will shoot that.Thanks in advance,Stop