Unexpected '[' in Drupal 6 tpl.php


New Member
Ok, here is something strange that has had me stumped for about 45 minutes...I have a custom .tpl.php file that I am using to theme a node view. I have plenty of PHP already functioning in this template, but today I had a couple of CCK fields I wanted to move around.However, when I add my snippet in, I get "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '['"\[code\]<?php print $node->field-account-status[0]['value']; ?>\[/code\]The thing is, this is a fairly common snippet and should function. Examples of it are used here http://groups.drupal.org/node/25064Here is the same snippet showing PHP above and below it, both working..Why is this snippet throwing this error???\[code\]<h2>Service Requests for <?php print $node->title; ?> </h2>//lines above and below this one are working PHP<?php print $node->field-account-status[0]['value']; ?><?php$i = 0;print '<table class="views-account-sr">';\[/code\]