undreline color

How do you make the underline a different color from the text?<!--content-->I don't think you can because the underlining is a style that has been applied to some text. It is not an object in its own right so you can't apply an attribute to it.<!--content-->but <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.noisemusic.net/">http://www.noisemusic.net/</a><!-- m --> has some links on there site with white text and a blue underline under it. can someone please explain how they did that?<!--content-->Unless JAVA scripting could accomplish something like that I don't believe HTML/CSS can (at least not on the same line during the same state). Possibly XML could but I don't know enough about XML to say for sure one way or the other. <br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->I don't see the white text and blue underline. What browser and browser version are you using? I see white text/white underline that changes to red text/red underline. (IE 5.02)<br />
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Kevin<!--content-->I see it in IE5.5. The code uses SPAN tags, but I don't know much about them, or if they will accomplish what you want to do.<!--content-->Thats interesting. I guess with IE5.5 the underlining can be a different color than the font? There is nothing in the code to make it that way though... font color is set to white and on mouseover its set to red and back to white onmouseout. <br />
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Span tags do nothing in and of themselves but are useful for setting the properties of whatever is between the opening and closing span tag. <br />
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Regards,<br />