Underline a letter to identify the accesskey


I have developed an Order Form. I have 4 credit card names listed with radio buttons. I need to know what to do to underline the first letter in each choice to identify the accesskey that I have assigned to each..Example: Master Card..I want the "M" underlined to identify the accesskey..How do I accomplish this? I am using notepad to develop this Order Form.<!--content-->Something like this...<br />
<br />
<u>M</u>aster Card<!--content-->Except that the U element was depricated a long time ago. Use instead the SPAN element or, if it applies, the first-letter pseudo selector.<!--content-->Thanks Pyro...that did the trick.... I am all set now..:D<!--content-->A clever way to do something similiar I picked up from someone on the Opera forums was with CSS:<br />
<br />
<br />
*[accesskey]:after {<br />
content: '(' attr(accesskey) ')';<br />
font-size: smaller;<br />
}<br />
<br />
<br />
Which will put a the accesskey encased in brackets after anything that has an accesskey. It doesn't work in IE though :( Let's hope version 7 fixes all these short0commings.<!--content-->