Unable to print CCK field in template in Drupal


New Member
I'm trying to print CCK field in my node.tpl.php -file like this;\[code\] print $node->field_name_here[0]['view'];\[/code\]But when I navigate to that page, I can't see the contents.Even when i use \[code\]print_r($node);\[/code\] I can't see any info about the variable. Drupal only renders everything else in node.tpl.php -file.BUT... if I stop the execution of node.tpl.php by putting \[code\]die();\[/code\] anywhere after the \[code\]print_r()\[/code\] or \[code\] print $node->field_name_here[0]['view'];\[/code\] the CCK field / variable renders as it should.It's not issue with permission since I have allowed all users to see the contents of these fields. I even tried to disable and uninstall CCK field permissions -module, but still can't print CCK fields in my template properly.What am I missing here?