unable to merge cells


hi<br />
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I have a templte webpage which I have alterd adn I am quite happy with. Unfortunately I am trying t change the table layout. I want to have one table/cell but every time I do it the whole webpage goes out of line and all over the place. I have attached the web page. <br />
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Any help with this would be greatly apprecited, as it is driving me mad...<!--content-->The problem you seemto be having is that you want to merge 3 cells that are not on one table row or on one table column.<br />
You have a complex table layout with cells in between the three cells that you are trying to merge. <br />
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To do much else with this we need some more info<br />
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Are you trying to merge that whole table that contains the three cels you want to merge into one cell? <br />
Bonkom :pimp:<!--content-->the part that says...this section, and th image with the guy catching the ball, I would like to be merged with membership are, player profile area, and the two areas called another area. <br />
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The reason for this is because I would like to be able to place articles in the section, and not have it disjointed as II would be typing across several cells.<br />
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alternatively, to merge down, or chage so there would be just two cells, may be equally as beneficial.<br />
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regards<!--content-->K, since I didn't have access to the image files, I don't know how badly I butchered that part of it, but I did make a decent attempt at cleaning up the table layout. Looks ok. At least the page dimensions aren't that different from what you started with. Take a look.<br />
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On a couple of the TD tags, I changed the COLSPAN down to 3, and I commented out a bunch of stuff, so you can play with putting things back or fiddle with how they're layed out. The main trick was commenting out the stuff you don't want, and increasing the Rowspan on the area you wanted to be bigger.<br />
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Good luck!<br />
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-Torus<br />
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P.S. I forgot to turn the table border back to BORDER=0. I had it at BORDER=1 so I could see what was going on, but now you can change it back so it looks slick again... Sorry 'bout that. :-P<!--content-->Run the code through <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://validator.w3.org/detailed.html">http://validator.w3.org/detailed.html</a><!-- m --> as you work, just so that you don't have a layout problem that is caused by incorrect nesting, or missing or duplicate tags somewhere.<!--content-->HI Torus<br />
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MAny thanks for that, with the cells that run down the side, with the image of the gut catching the ball, and the cell mark other area, I try to remove them and once again the layout to goes to ruin. You couldn't possible give one last peace of help.<br />
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Obviously I am really going to have to study table layout design...:)<!--content-->Wood1e,<br />
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I'd be glad to help you. I need a little more info on what you want changed - like which images are where, what you want to take out, etc. It was helpful when you posted the html file with the comments written in to locate what you wanted to change. Also, do you have any way I can see what it looks like with the pictures? Do you have your site uploaded to a web server yet?<br />
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Are you talking about the column just to the left of the big area I just merged together? There's one picture that says "Lineout" in its "alt" attribute.<br />
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Anyway, talk to me! We'll work it out.<br />
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Good luck,<br />
Torus<!--content-->HI, <br />
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I have attached the new web page and images...<!--content-->Read these two threads to understand why the tables collapse.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22544&highlight=scaffolding">http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.ph ... caffolding</a><!-- m --><br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25417&highlight=scaffolding">http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.ph ... caffolding</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Wood1e,<br />
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K, here's my next update. Hopefully I understood you correctly and got you something you can use.<br />
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If you eventually decide that this is the way you want your page, you can take out whatever is commented out.<br />
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Did you read the articles that Entimp pointed you too? I haven't read them yet, but I think it would be a good idea to read them or talk to somebody so that you can understand table layout. It's really not all that hard, maybe just a little tricky to pick out from code, so you shouldn't have any problem learning.<br />
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Anyway, as always, good luck!<br />
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