Unable to get root node of Soap response in xml


New Member
Today I started learning libxml for the first time. And kept struggling to find the root node of the soap response. Damn struggled.This is the xml buffer\[code\]<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:sti_xsd="http://www.openmobilealliance.org/schema/sti/v1_0" xsi:type="soapenv:Envelope"> <soapenv:Body> <sti_xsd:TranscodingResponse> <sti_xsd:originatorID>test</sti_xsd:originatorID> <sti_xsd:operationID>1.0</sti_xsd:operationID> <sti_xsd:mainReturnResult> <sti_xsd:returnCode>2000</sti_xsd:returnCode> <sti_xsd:returnString>All 1 transcoding job(s) succeeded</sti_xsd:returnString> </sti_xsd:mainReturnResult> <sti_xsd:totalDuration>121</sti_xsd:totalDuration> <sti_xsd:jobResult> <sti_xsd:jobID>JOB26</sti_xsd:jobID> <sti_xsd:extensionData> <sti_xsd:property> <sti_xsd:name>van.sti.trx.MemoryUsage</sti_xsd:name> <sti_xsd:value>3568808</sti_xsd:value> </sti_xsd:property> </sti_xsd:extensionData> <sti_xsd:mainReturnResult> <sti_xsd:returnCode>2000</sti_xsd:returnCode> <sti_xsd:returnString>Successful TranscodingJob (200): Success</sti_xsd:returnString> </sti_xsd:mainReturnResult> <sti_xsd:duration>119</sti_xsd:duration> <sti_xsd:output> <sti_xsd:contentType>application/vnd.wap.mms-message</sti_xsd:contentType> <sti_xsd:contentTypeParams> <sti_xsd:property> <sti_xsd:name>type</sti_xsd:name> <sti_xsd:value>application/smil</sti_xsd:value> </sti_xsd:property> <sti_xsd:property> <sti_xsd:name>start</sti_xsd:name> <sti_xsd:value><mms.smil></sti_xsd:value> </sti_xsd:property> </sti_xsd:contentTypeParams> <sti_xsd:location>cid:133699816987026.JOB26</sti_xsd:location> <sti_xsd:mediaSize>40693</sti_xsd:mediaSize> </sti_xsd:output> </sti_xsd:jobResult> <sti_xsd:extensionData> <sti_xsd:property> <sti_xsd:name>van.sti.trx.session.id</sti_xsd:name> <sti_xsd:value>STI/gesti05/120514_14h/STI17_23m12s214_00</sti_xsd:value> </sti_xsd:property> <sti_xsd:property> <sti_xsd:name>van.sti.server.hostname</sti_xsd:name> <sti_xsd:value>getrx01</sti_xsd:value> </sti_xsd:property> </sti_xsd:extensionData> </sti_xsd:TranscodingResponse> </soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>\[/code\]And below is my code:\[code\]#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>#include <libxml/parser.h>void parseStory ( xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur ){ xmlChar *key; cur = cur -> xmlChildrenNode; printf ( "Here\n" ); while ( cur != NULL ) { if ( ( !xmlStrcmp ( cur -> name, ( const xmlChar * ) "returnCode" ) ) ) { key = xmlNodeListGetString ( doc, cur -> xmlChildrenNode,1); printf ( "keyword: %s\n", key ); xmlFree ( key ); } cur = cur -> next; } return ;}static void parseDoc ( char *docname ){ xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr cur; doc = xmlParseFile ( docname ); if ( doc == NULL ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Document not parsed successfully. \n" ); return; } printf ( "Parsing Successful\n" ); cur = xmlDocGetRootElement ( doc ); if ( cur == NULL ) { fprintf ( stderr, "empty document \n" ); xmlFreeDoc ( doc ); printf ( "Got the root Node\n" ); if ( xmlStrcmp ( cur->name, ( const xmlChar * ) "soapenv:Envelope" ) ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Document of the wrong type root node != "); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return; } printf ( "Got the root \n" ); cur = cur -> xmlChildrenNode; while ( cur != NULL ) { if (cur->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { printf ( "Inside if \n" ); if ( !(xmlStrcmp ( cur->name, ( const xmlChar * ) "mainReturnResult" ) ) ) { printf ( "Inside \n" ); parseStory ( doc, cur ); } cur = cur -> xmlChildrenNode; continue; } cur = cur -> next; } xmlFreeDoc ( doc ); return;}int main ( int argc, char **argv ){ char *docname; if ( argc <= 1 ) { printf ( "Usage: %s docname\n", argv[0] ); return ( 0 ); } docname = argv [1]; parseDoc ( docname ); return ( 1 );} return;\[/code\]}As stated I am struggling to find out the rootnode.Its saying "Document of the wrong type root node !="Thanks.