Unable to download attachments


New Member
Why are my members not able to download attachments uploaded by Admin?

I have set the 'Can download attachments' setting to Yes via each of the usergroups, but still they are getting a no permission error.

Am I missing something?
Just to explain more-

I have set it so they cannot UPLOAD attachments, but CAN download attachments.

However the forum will not let them DOWNLOAD them.
try this as well go into the admincp > attachments > attachment permissions and make sure the proper permissions are set here as well.

while in admincp > vbulletion options > Help Message Attachment Options check here

see if any of these help yeah..
Thanks folks but I think I've worked it out (ish).

I was testing it in the 'staff only' section.

Maybe I've set a permission wrong in forum permissions..

I just copied the post with attachment to a public thread topic, and it's downloadable by all :)

h@ck3r said:
Thanks folks but I think I've worked it out (ish).

I was testing it in the 'staff only' section.

Maybe I've set a permission wrong in forum permissions..

I just copied the post with attachment to a public thread topic, and it's downloadable by all :)


Glad you sorted it matey.