Unable to add enctype to zend (v1.12) form


New Member
I have been stuck with this problem and unable to find its solution anywhere. To enable file upload I am adding the enctype attribute to the form with value as multipart \[code\] public function __construct($options=null) { parent::__construct($options); $this->setName('Create Band Profile'); $this->setMethod('post'); $this->setAction('/profile/createbandprofile'); $this->setAttrib('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');}\[/code\]But when I check the markup I don't see the enctype attribute added to the form and thus unable to upload any file.\[code\]<form action="/profile/createbandprofile" method="post">\[/code\]Please help me guys if I am doing anything stupid. I have checked all previous questions but none faced the same issue. Is there some bug in 1.12 zend version.