Unable to access array member - UPDATED


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I have a PHP function that returns an array. This is the output of \[code\]print_r($myArray)\[/code\]:\[code\]Array ( [id] => 8166 [customer_id] => 73 [nickname] => AnnieB [name] => Anastasia Beaverhausen => [email protected] [phone] => 555-555-5555 [company] => Annie B's [address1] => 123 Main Street [address2] => Apartment 555 [city] => Chicago [state] => IL [zip] => 55555 [billing] => 1 [residence] => 0 [token] => [verified] => 1 ) \[/code\]I should be able to access any of the members by saying something like \[code\]$myArray['city']\[/code\], correct? I know I've done this in the past, but it keeps returning an empty string, even when there is a value in the city field.Any ideas?==================MORE CODE POSTED PER REQUESTS=============================I'm using this in Joomla, so there are a few lines that are specific to Joomla. The end purpose of this code is to populate a dropdown list with addresses from a database; the option values contain an imploded string of all column values (to be accessed via javascript later) and the option text is a single field. Here's the code that creates the dropdown:\[code\] foreach (getAddresses($AcctID) as $id => $info) { print_r($info); $nickName = $info[2]; error_log("nickname=".$nickName); $infoStr = implode("|", $info); $addressOptions .= "<option value=http://stackoverflow.com/"{$infoStr}\">$nickName</option>"; }\[/code\]The getAddresses function is here (this is working correctly):\[code\]function getAddresses($AcctID) { $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $query = "select * from jos_customers_addresses where customer_id = ".$db->quote($AcctID); $db->setQuery($query); if (!$db->query()) error_log($db->stderr()); if (!$db->getNumRows()) return false; else return $db->loadAssocList();}\[/code\]The print_r($info) line is what is returning the array I originally posted. The next two lines are the ones giving me problems:\[code\]$nickName = $info[2];error_log("nickname=".$nickName);\[/code\]I've also tried $nickName = $info['nickname'] and gotten the same result - no value, even though there's obviously a value in the print_r, and the value does come through correctly in the code generated by the implode line. If you can find someplace between those two lines where I'm overwriting my variable, or whatever, please point it out to me, because I'm clueless as to why I can't get a handle on this value.