UKBL "Save As Homepage" Button


New Member
There are loads of bookmark us hacks and add to social sites, but would you like your members to save your forum as their Homepage, as opposed to just a link in their favorites

Works only with Internet Explorer at the moment a second file with a Text Link based alternative is now available for Firefox in the downloads section

Its a very small but effective script which sites quitely in your styles footer template, and produces a nice button which members will be dying to click.

Now your members will not have an excuse not to visit your forum when they switch on their PC

So, what do we do
This is really easy..

Download the file and in there you'll see bookmark.txt, Just open this file in Notepad and look for the following
<input type="button" value="Make UKBusinesslive your Home Page"
Thats the Button Description, Replace "UKBusinesslive" with the name of your forum,

Then you need to work alone a bit until you see the following....
and simply change my url for your own

Then save, next you need to copy and paste the script to the footer of the style that your using. That will add the button to the footer of your site, you can of course experiment and add it where you want, but i think the footer is a safe bet

For Firefox Users
The second Zip file Bookmark for is a text based link which will work with either IE or Firefox, But will only save your Page to the favorites. as with the above, Just open the file in notepad and edit my details for yours

Now you can chose one or the other or both