UI for defining rules and action similiar to XQuery or SQL like statements


New Member
I am trying to come up with a UI which will allow users of my application to define rules to be run on a stored XML data. The rules can be something like "If program name is "abc" change it to "xyz"". It should also support complex rules like "For all program under program_group A change name to "abc"" - where program and program_name are my XML elements such that one program_group has many program (I am simplifying the XML ..in actual it has far more elements, attributes etc.) Now this is most naturally represent as XQUERY, for $i /prgram_group/program_name do Or by SQL, update table program set name = .....However I want to present a more natural way of specifying these rules to a non-IT person. I was thinking of having the UI to look something like, CONDITION - THEN but I soon realize that I am creating an easy-to-use XQUERY or SQL interface. My question is - is there some standard way of doing it? Some existing Java library or GWT or JavaScript library.Sorry I do realize the question very broad but would appreciate some pointers.Thanks,-v-