I just got this email in reference to the .eu domain I own.
Dear Sir/Madam,
It seems that the address or other information you supplied in your registration for the domain name ***** is inaccurate or incomplete. Could you please provide us with proof that you are (the company is) registered on this address. The proof must be an official document.
We remind you that in accordance with Article 20 of the EC Regulation 874/2004, which you can consult on our website (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.eurid.eu/en/general/launch">http://www.eurid.eu/en/general/launch</a><!-- m -->), the domain name will be revoked if we do not hear from you within three full days of today (22/09/2006 today's date). We have put the domain name on hold in the meantime.
The EURid team
oh oh guys..... what are my options here?
Dear Sir/Madam,
It seems that the address or other information you supplied in your registration for the domain name ***** is inaccurate or incomplete. Could you please provide us with proof that you are (the company is) registered on this address. The proof must be an official document.
We remind you that in accordance with Article 20 of the EC Regulation 874/2004, which you can consult on our website (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.eurid.eu/en/general/launch">http://www.eurid.eu/en/general/launch</a><!-- m -->), the domain name will be revoked if we do not hear from you within three full days of today (22/09/2006 today's date). We have put the domain name on hold in the meantime.
The EURid team
oh oh guys..... what are my options here?