Typing Tutor: Help!!!


I am suppose to do a typing tutor for my project with .net and sql as database. Using web-formed and not window-formed. Doing a website is simple but typing tutor?? I am clueless, how does it operates?? how am i going to do and start off with?? any help will be very much appreciated.. thank you.. :confused:Wow. Thats a big question to answer in a forum like this! I suggest hitting the bookstore and grabbing some books on asp.net, and I would start with ASP.NET Unleashed. Also, it might be helpful to try out a few tutors yourself to get a feel for how they opperate. I'm sure there are some 15 or 30 day trials you could Download and then remove when the trial expires.

What do you mean "for my project"? Is this project for a class, or has a paying client asked you to build one? If it's for some sort of class, then I hope the teacher would have taught you the skills needed to build such a tool. If a client has asked you to make one, then you may want to consider finding a sub-contractor who can do it for you.

Best of luck, and if you need help with details, post away!

Casey Crookston
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.InternetOpus.comWah">www.InternetOpus.comWah</a><!-- w --> thanks for your reply.. its for my academic, we are allow to choose anythings to do as long as meet the guideline given and i choose to do typing tutor. Have Download ed couples of typing tutor and tried it out. we are taught use .net to do a website and sql database, and i think i asked for it to choose such a tough one for my project lol.. but do you or anyone noes how does it works behinds the scence?? im clueless.. help greatly needed.. thanks..


Are you asking for about general theory, or details about how to code? If you want this list to help you code your project, then you are in trouble. That's WAY to broad for this forum. if you need help on somethine specific, like how to build a query, we can help.

If you are looking for a general "please point me in the right direction" then try something like this:

A student registeres by entering his name and choosing a user id. The name and user id are stored in the database.
You give a brief tutorial on how to position your fingers on the keyboard. This part could be done in plain HTML.
The user is then flashed a series of random letters, and the user must type the letter on the keyboard. You keep track of accuracy and how long it takes them to type each letter, and store both in the database.
The user is then flashed a series of sentences, and again, the user must retype each sentence. You again keep of how accurate they are and how fast. The results are stored in the database
When the exam is over, you tabulate the total score and give them the results, including how many words they can type a minute

To make this happen you will need to know, first of all, how to build a database with some relational tables. You will also need to know how to use asp.net enough to know how to place data into those tables and pull it back out. You'll need to know how to build dynamic tables on the fly, and how to use the very-cool .net forms to record the user's key strokes.

If all of this is over your head, then you had better either select a different class project, or find a school that actually teaches you how to do what they expect you to do.Hi Crookston

Yeah I am taught on .net and database. I am not having problems with the first 2 points you mentioned I can get that done. But from point 3 to 5 yeah I am having trouble. What you mentioned are exactly the same as what I have written in my initial submitted report what my typing tutor going to do. How to do that? Is there any form that works on this concept? I do not know how to start off with.

Thanks sincerely