Typekit font not loading in webkit browsers


New Member
I'm using two fonts from typekit:\[code\]font-family:"proxima-nova", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; - WORKS OK\[/code\]and \[code\]font-family:"garamond-premier-pro", Georgia, serif; - DOESN'T DISPLAY \[/code\]While Proxima Nova loads ok - Garamond Premier Pro fails to load - but only in Chrome and Safari. Firefox and IE display the font ok. The css rule is ok - it even shows up in web inspector - I get no errors in console - typekit script is loaded - still the font won't display - it falls back to georgia.I tried different solutions I found around (moving typekit script on top of header, disable \[code\]text-shadow\[/code\], remove \[code\]-webkit\[/code\] prefixed rules from css) - nothing helps.Is this problem font related? I read that webkit browsers have problems with opentype.