TXT DB problem


Staff member
Hi everyone,
i'm a PHP newbie but I'd like to ask somebody to help me. I've got to develop a program using PHP.
The program should do these simple things:

1]Input some data into a DB file /i've done it. check my source for more info/.
2]Ability to edit the data i've inputted at a later time.
3]Ability to delete records that are obsolete.
4]Ability to sort the records by a specific attribute. /the attributes are: $filmname,$filmdirector,$filmrent/.
5]Ability to search for a specific attribute. /the attributes are: $filmname,$filmdirector,$filmrent/.
6]Ability to show all casettes with specific attribute. /the attributes are: total $filmquantity and total $filmrent sum for all cassettes from a specific $filmgenere or specific $filmdirector./

I'd like some help. If you can help me please write me <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->
Thanks in advance.
Here you can download the source which i've done to the moment: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://audiolyrics.coolfreehost.com/basicsource.zip">http://audiolyrics.coolfreehost.com/basicsource.zip</a><!-- m -->