two things


1.) Is there anyway to make an iframe just expand to fit whatever is in it, without having to specify the height? I've found that if I don't specify it at all, it just sets itself to a predetermined height. I would like it to be able to expand the same way a table cell would. <br />
2.) How do you make a page not shrink when it is minimized. I'm using tables and it shrinks them out of proportion when the screen is not maximized. I was just wondering how to keep it from resizing the tables.<br />
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Thanks.<br />
Matt.<!--content-->1) I don't think so...<br />
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2) Use pixel width for your width attributes in the tables cells.<!--content-->I do set the pixel width, but i have tables inside of tables, so it just disregards them.<!--content-->You will have to set pixel widths for all your tables.<!--content-->Okay, here's the problem I run into when I do that. Let's say my total inside table width is 600, and I have a border of 3. Now, when I try to set the outside table width, it is always something like 610 or some number that doesn't make sense. I just wondered if there was an easier way other than increasing the size of the table by 1 pixel and then viewing that and increasing again until I get the right match. <br />
Thanks,<br />