Two things I need help with:


I am not a very experienced HTML/Java writer or anything; I have not taken classes and stuff, but I've read the beginning several chapters of "HTML 4.0 for Dummies" and then went on my own to figure things out. So I need help now; I am stuck. I need help with two things, please try to answer at least one if you can.<br />
<br />
.____<br />
/ #1 \<br />
Alright. I need something that would enable viewers to do this:<br />
<br />
(Let abcxyz represent what the viewers would type in)<br />
1)Enter in "abcxyz" to a small text box<br />
2)Submit it, press enter, whatever<br />
3)Be brought to the file "abcxyz.html"<br />
<br />
________________________________________<br />
.____<br />
/ #2 \<br />
More important than that:<br />
<br />
This request is very complicated... please tell me how to do this (if possible) if anyone is good with html and javascript and is up for the challenge. I will use ~X~ to represent variables that could be changed.<br />
<br />
Let's say there are 2 html files called "~A~.html" and "~B~.html", and one js file called "~X~.js". I'll organize it to make it easier for you, although its not much.<br />
<br />
HTML___________|JS____________<br />
~A~..................|~X~<br />
~B~<br />
<br />
Alright;<br />
-----------------------<br />
~A~.html will have a script that tells it to ***display AAA, BBB, and CCC***.<br />
-----------------------<br />
~B~.html will have a javascript within that says:<br />
<br />
var DDD= ~X~<br />
-----------------------<br />
~X~.js says the following:<br />
<br />
var AAA= 10<br />
var BBB= 15<br />
var CCC= 20<br />
-----------------------<br />
<br />
How would I get it so that ~B~.html "tells" ~A~.html to use "~X~.js" as it's source, so that if I looked at ~A~.html, I would see "10, 15, and 20" to be displayed.<br />
<br />
Pretend I don't exactly know about "source", because... well, I think thats what I would use, but I have no clue about how to use it or what to do with it. Thankyou so much for your time.<br />
<br />
<br />
Reply here or email: mailto:p[email protected]<!--content-->if you are just a beginner in html you better read some more. what you want to do will have to be done with serverside code like php, cgi, or ASP.<!--content-->AAAAAAHHHHHH ..... READ?!??! lol :( :eek: ..... alright well thx, i'll do some reading on this php and asp stuff, i'm already getting through cgi<!--content-->