two questions....


Staff member
1.I was at this site and i was wondering how do i get that script in the middle that has another window open in the normal size window. Don't know what i mean, take a look <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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Thanks in advance to anyone who helps me. i use geocities pagebuilder if this is needed to be known.<br />
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2.I am using a pagebuilder, its the opposite of html editor i think. I was wondering if there was a way to add a code to a existing code to move it somewhere on the page? Or something that makes the script so that it is positioned somewhere.<!--content-->What are you talking about? Please redefine your question. Are you talking about a frames menu by any chance?<!--content-->did you go to the link? Yes, i think thats a frame, possibly. im not sure.<!--content-->That site does use a frameset. Do you know how to set one up? Or would you like help? If you would like some help, reply letting me know what kinda help you need, in that what kinda level is your HTML expertise?<!--content-->I have maybe alittle html experience and yes i do need help...<br />
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i found this that might work but need help positioning it on my future website... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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<TABLE BORDER=0> <br />
<br />
<TR> <br />
<TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> <br />
</TD> <br />
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<TD width=110></TD><TD></TD><TD><br><br><br><IFRAME NAME="iframe1" SRC="" ALIGN="top" HEIGHT="400" WIDTH="300" border="0"></IFRAME> <br />
</TD><!--content-->You can use these attributes in the <iframe> tag to help:<br />
<br />
align="top/middle/bottom/left/right"<br />
frameborder="1/0" only 1 or 0, 1 gives you a 3d border, 0 does not.<br />
height="##/##%" you can set the height in percentage or pixels. If none is stated the 150 pixels is default.<br />
hspace="##" in pixels, this gives you a clearance to the left and right of the frame.<br />
marginheight="##" self explanortory I hope, set in pixels.<br />
marginwidth="##" set in pixels, to set the space between the border and the frame contents.<br />
name="whatever" So that you can set navigation from the links. i.e <a href="file.htm" target="the_name">link description</a><br />
scrolling="yes/no/auto" hope this is obvious.<br />
src="file.htm" the intial file that you will have on loading.<br />
vspace="##" set in pixels, this is sim to hspace but sorts the clearance above and below the frame.<br />
width="##/##%" set in pixels or percentage, if not set the default is 300 pixels.<!--content-->it didn't work for me, just shows a few words at the top.<br />
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can't i use this?...<br />
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<TABLE BORDER=0> <br />
<br />
<TR> <br />
<TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> <br />
</TD> <br />
<br />
<TD width=110></TD><TD></TD><TD><br><br><br><IFRAME NAME="iframe1" SRC="" ALIGN="top" HEIGHT="400" WIDTH="300" border="0"></IFRAME> <br />
</TD><!--content-->if i can use it, how do i position it.<!--content-->You should have all the info in my last post to aid you in this quest. Your page code seems fine except for the 3 <br>'s which are not required.<!--content-->