Two link colors


Staff member
I have a web site with a white background and a dark strip down the left side. Using cascading style sheets, how can I get white links on the dark strip and dark links on the white background?<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> is a good example of what I'm talking about. I looked at their source code, and they're using CSS, so it must be possible.<!--content-->I am pretty new to css myself so I'm hoping you're okay with creating the actual style sheet itself, but you would need to create one that specifies 2 different classes - one for white links that turn black on mouse over, and one for black links that turn white on mouse over.<br />
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Then you'd create your page using tables setting the background of the left hand column to the dark color and the rest to white (or use a background image).<br />
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Then in your table code you would use <td class="class1"> or <td class="class2"> for each cell depending on what color you want the links to be in that section.<br />
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I believe this is how they have done it on the CNN site. If you're stuck with creating the stylesheets themselves then I will help you later when I have a bit more time, or else maybe someone else can throw one together for you. I know it's pretty easy, I'm just a bit rusty! ;)<!--content-->Try this:<br />
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In the css file<br /> { color:#000000; }<br />
a.white { color:#FFFFFF; }<br />
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In the html file you have to call this classes like this:<br />
<br />
<a class=black href="url">your text here!!!</a><br />
<a class=white href="url">your text here!!!</a><br />
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If you are using frames you can do different css files and load the respective css in the respective frame. <br />
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1. css file<br />
<br />
a:link { color:#000000; }<br />
<br />
2. css file<br />
<br />
a:link { color:#FFFFFF; }<!--content-->If you want to read/learn more about CSS, you can do so here:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->You can use a.class but that means you have to apply the class to every link.<br />
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For this kind of design I prfer to scope them, which is what I think golilocks is suggesting.<br />
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<style><br />
.white a {color:white}<br />
.black a {color:black}<br />
</style><br />
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Then just apply the class to a container span, div, td etc:<br />
<br />
<td class="white"><br />
<br />
If you want mouse effect you can add this to the style sheet:<br />
<br />
.black a:hover{color:red}<br />
<br />
But hover is not support by Netscrap 4.x<!--content-->