two CDONTS email questions


Hi all,
I got 2 questions heres the first:

Im keep seeing web sites that you can do an attachment beforehand, which another screen pops up and adds the file and it goes with the mail with out doing it at the end. Like hotmail. This would be really nice

I am going to mail upto 200 people the same email with the same attachment that can get up to 200 mb, I dont want bcc people because its ridiculous too do so, I need is to send the mails one by one so it will show up in TO field. Now if i do this with attachments it could take hours to send out all of them out

Please help :confused: :confused: :o :o :eek: :eek:Can you just send the user a link to the file on the server and spread the bandwidth usage out?Ok igot the first question done with your suggestion, I uploaded the file and used that to attach it to the mail, now i have test is to send it to 200 people using TO field indiviudally. and not add hugh time consuming.