i have first list view with its itemTemplate and layoutTemplateand in its selectedItemTemplate there are two cases i want to make for the display first one is with another nested \[code\]listview\[/code\] and second one i will put just \[code\]<table> </table>\[/code\]\[code\]<asp:ListView runat="server" ItemPlaceholderID="placeHolderCustomer" ID="LstCustomers" InsertItemPosition="LastItem" OnItemCommand ="LstCustomers_ItemCommand"> <LayoutTemplate> .... </LayoutTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <tr id='<%# Eval("customer_ID") %>' > <td> <asp:Label ID="lblName" Text='<%# Eval("Custom_name") %>' runat="server" Enabled="True"/><br /> </td> <td> <asp:Label ID="lblID" Text='<%# Eval("customer_ID") %>' runat="server" /><br /> </td> <td> <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkEdit" runat="server" CommandName="Edit">Edit</asp:LinkButton> </td> </tr> </ItemTemplate> <SelectedItemTemplate> <asp:ListView ID="LstCourses" runat="server" DataSource="coursesTable" ItemPlaceholderID="CoursePlaceHolder"> <LayoutTemplate> ... <asplaceHolder runat="server" ID="CoursePlaceHolder" /> ... </LayoutTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <tr> <td> <asp:Label ID="Label1" Text='<%# Eval("course_name") %>' runat="server" /><br /> </td> <td> <asp:Label ID="Label2" Text='<%# Eval("course_ID") %>' runat="server" /><br /> </td> </tr> </ItemTemplate> </asp:ListView> </SelectedItemTemplate></asp:ListView>\[/code\]In this case i want to bind a dataSource of table i already query it in method in C# Code behind depending on the selectedItem CustomerID \[code\]<tr id='<%# Eval("customer_ID") %>' >\[/code\],so how can i bind that in code behind to the nested list named by \[code\]"LstCourses"\[/code\] For instance in C# Code behind dataSource of listview named :\[code\]"LstCustomers"\[/code\], i did this :\[code\]protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){ IQueryable <customer> customerData = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14412656/dataSource.customers.Select(c => c); LstCustomers.DataSource = customerData ; LstCustomers.DataBind();}\[/code\]But this doesn't work at all with the second listView\[code\]"LstCourses"\[/code\]and in the secondCase of SelectedItemTemplate:\[code\]<SelectedItemTemplate> <table> <tr> <td> <asp:Label ID="Label1" Text='<%# Eval("course_name") %>' runat="server" /><br /> </td> <td> <asp:Label ID="Label2" Text='<%# Eval("course_ID") %>' runat="server" /><br /> </td> </tr> </table></SelectedItemTemplate>\[/code\]How to bind the same Queried table to this HTML table in code-behind?