Twitter bootstrap popover is broken


New Member
  • Jquery 1.9.1
  • Bootstrap 2.3.1
  • WordPress 3.6 Beta 1 - This issue only happens in WordPress 3.6 Beta
It seems that popovers are broken in the latest version of wordpress, I have the html for the element with the popover attached, along with the jquery that makes the popover work.imageIn case you can't see it, the arrow for the pop over is moved to left and practically opaqueHTML for that particular element:\[code\]<div class="control-group"> <label class="radio"> <input type="radio" class="regular" name="aisis_options[posts_display]" value="" checked=""> Display normal index of posts. <a href="" id="regularPosts" rel="popover" data-content="This is a regular list of posts, it comes with a sidebar and pagination." data-trigger="hover" data-original-title="Display as Regular Listing"> <i class="icon-info-sign"></i> </a> </label></div>\[/code\]Jqeury\[code\]$("#regularPosts").popover({ html : true });\[/code\]I don't know what else to show you as I cant give you admin access to my WordPress "live" dev environment. Can some one tell me whats going on?