Tutorials, Where do you suggest?


i am trying to learn html again (haven't done anything in a couple of years) and am wondering if you guys have any good suggestions of sites with good tutorials.<br />
im kind of starting from scratch and want to code by hand in notepad.....thanks guys<!--content-->The first two that come to mind are HTMLGoodies (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlgoodies.com">http://www.htmlgoodies.com</a><!-- m -->) and Webmonkey (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.webmonkey.com">http://www.webmonkey.com</a><!-- m -->). They've got some pretty good tutorials, as well as having cheatsheets.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->Peg, what about <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3schools.com">www.w3schools.com</a><!-- w --> then :P<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlhelp.com">www.htmlhelp.com</a><!-- w --><br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlsource.com">www.htmlsource.com</a><!-- w --><br />
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pretty much anything beginning with HTML,<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlhtmlhtmlteachme.com">www.htmlhtmlhtmlteachme.com</a><!-- w --> ;)<!--content-->oh and google (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=html+tutorials">http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=n ... +tutorials</a><!-- m -->) has alot of good ones too :rolleyes:<!--content-->and <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://validator.w3.org/detailed.html">http://validator.w3.org/detailed.html</a><!-- m --> tells you what typos you might have made in your code.<!--content-->thanks guys,<br />
you're all a great help.......<br />
I'll start looking at them tonight when i get home from work. <br />
~johnnymicro~<!--content-->Originally posted by joe2kiss <br />
Peg, what about <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3schools.com">www.w3schools.com</a><!-- w --> then :P <blush> Found out, I am. I still hold a grudge against the w3schools, you see. Not their fault, mind. <br />
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I don't hide the fact that my first web *site* didn't work well because I didn't even know what HTML was and when the instructor said "Use a programme you're familiar with", I did. Clarisworks. But there's more. <br />
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Once the instructor realized that I had no clue at all how to build a web page, never mind a site, he told me to use the W3Schools tutorial to 'get up to speed', before I tried using a WYSIWYG editor. I had something like 2 days to learn HTML and redo 10 pages of web information or I'd fail that part of the course. By lunchtime the next day, I was no closer to understand what I had to do than I was at 9am the previous day. A classmate told me to change the Clarisworks images to jpegs, insert them into a Dreamweaver page, use maps to create the links, and then explained the html we saw in the HTML inspector. Once I saw how everything was used, I did okay. And I could explain what I'd done to the instructor.<br />
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But I still remember trying to study the W3 information and being totally lost. <shrug> Like I said, it wasn't the school's fault, just circumstances. *lol* And I haven't felt brave enough to go back to the tutorials to see if I understand them now.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->Originally posted by Pegasus <br />
[B<shrug> Like I said, it wasn't the school's fault, just circumstances. *lol* And I haven't felt brave enough to go back to the tutorials to see if I understand them now.<br />
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Peg [/B] awwwww, im sorry to bring back such bad memorys <hug> ;) <br />
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you should conquer your fears and go back there, show them what your made of :P<!--content-->view my one <br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://pikapika.sourceforge.net/HTML%20tut/">http://pikapika.sourceforge.net/HTML%20tut/</a><!-- m --><!--content-->pika!, your tutorial is... how do you say... bad?<br />
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you didnt even include an HTML document structure, and all of your example tags are deprecated}:-)<!--content-->Originally posted by joe2kiss <br />
awwwww, im sorry to bring back such bad memorys <hug> ;) <br />
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you should conquer your fears and go back there, show them what your made of :P *lol* Thanks, Joe. I probably should go back to the site, but you know something? I can learn something using a tutorial and 'feel okay about it', but teaching myself how to do something makes me no end pleased with myself. *g* Once I get past the frustrations and the questions posted to the boards here, that is.<br />
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For example, I've always used tables to set up my page layout. I *knew* I could use <div> to do the same thing, but I didn't have the patience to try. Then Entimp started the tutorials on SSI, and I got seriously interested in trying to do something different. <br />
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But even the SSI frustrated me a bit. I could get everything included, but I did have a few problems, especially on the iFrame pages. And then I got to thinking about the <div> tag. If I used that to set up my page, I could include a <div> section, rather than part of a table. That would keep DW happy because I wouldn't have parts of tables highlighted as errors when I called up a central page to edit it. It also meant that, by using SSI for the headers and nav sections, I could simply put the page contents in a <div> tag without needing to use any kind of frame at all. <br />
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So I sat down with pencil and graph paper, plotted out what size each <div> would have to be and all the other CSS stuff, did a rough draft of how my new menus would be laid out and tried a page of <div>. *e2eg* And it worked! Just fine! My header image sits where it's supposed to, my nav sits where it's supposed to and the content isn't messed up at all. Worse, I used one of my largest pages as an example and it worked out to be slightly smaller in size than the original, tables-laid-out, page. <br />
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I am learning HTML, CSS, SSI and all manner of other alphabet soup-type things *in spite* of the W3 tutorials and an incompetent instructor. And *that's* what I'm made of. *lol* Sheer, blind, gotta-do-it-the-hard-way stubbornness.<br />
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There is another benefit to it, though. As I'm learning what to do, I'm also learning how *not* to explain it. I'm also learning what's 'vital' to a page, and what's merely 'important'. What do you really need to know in order to build a decent web page? What do really need to know in order to get started using CSS? How does it all fit together? Hopefully, I'll have all those questions answered by the new year. I'm writing a CSS... well, not quite a tutorial, but similar.... a sort of introduction to CSS for my daughter's high school class. It's not going to cover more than the HTML equivalent of <font>, <body> and <table> tags, but I don't believe that a whole lot more is going to be needed to get them started. If I have time, and after doing some checking, I'm going to see if I can make them a 'cheat sheet' to go with the information, and a second tutorial might cover things like <div> tags for layouts and lists, but that's for later. *g* I need to make sure I get a handle on them first.<br />
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No one, if I can help it, is going to go through what I had to.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->The way I learned and never forgot was with a dictionary (well a digital one on the comp) that had pretty much a list of basic tags and stuff with the definitions. I took lots of time and got it by trial and error.<br />
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If you learn in on your own, sometimes it helps.<br />
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I've heard many wonders from HTML Goodies (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlgoodies.com">http://www.htmlgoodies.com</a><!-- m -->).<!--content-->one more to add to the pile :D<br />
Click (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlite.com/">http://www.htmlite.com/</a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->this is turning into one big ad convention<br />
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actually, htmlite's tutorial is pretty good, except that the layout isnt displaying right (mozilla 1.5)<br />
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although, htmlight, you are also teaching a few deprecated things on your tutorial such as "bgcolor", "text" and "<font>"<!--content-->mozilla 1.5 ... in 800x600 it is ok, but you are correct for higher resolutions. forgot to check on that aspect during my re-design. something to work on. thanks.<br />
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my opinion is ... deprecated tags are still ok to learn at this time. css and xhtml pages are there for advancement beyond. there is a very long thead on deprecated tags and validation on this forum, so i won't go in details and so forth here. everyone has their own opinion and ideals on the subject which is ok.<br />
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considering the way things are going, it may be time to "update" the way things are taught. i may have a bit of content updating soon... <br />
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regards :)<!--content-->I actually started a thread on deprecated tags. If you're making a tutorial you should put in valid tags.<!--content-->