Turning an XML into a select


New Member
I'm trying to turn this XML string into a selectI have @Schedule XML = '<days><day enabled="0">0</day><day enabled="1">1</day><day enabled="1">2</day><day enabled="1">3</day><day enabled="1">4</day><day enabled="1">5</day><day enabled="0">6</day></days>'What I'm trying to see at the end is..DayNumber          DayEnabled
0                          0
1                          1
2                          1
3                          1
4                          1
5                          1
6                          0
I've tried a few ways, so far nothing is working right.. I am handling this as an XML data type, I'd prefer not to use a function as this will just be in a stored procedure..Update: Maybe I didn't explain it correctly..I have a stored procedure, XML is one of the parameters passed to it, I need to send it to a table to be inserted, so I'm trying to do the following..INSERT INTO tblDays (DayNumber, DayEnabled)
SELECT @XMLParsedOrTempTableWithResultsI just can't figure out how to parsed the parameter