I have seen other examples of using multiple joins in Linq to Sql like This Example , but I can not seem to figure out how to convert this working tsql SELECT into Linq. Here is working command from test db\[code\]"SELECT * FROM tbl1 Left JOIN tbl2 ON (tbl1.ID=tbl2.EventID)" +"LEFT JOIN tbl3 ON (tbl2.tID=tbl3.trxID)" +"JOIN tbl4 ON (tbl2.UserID=tbl4.GUID) LEFT JOIN tbl5 TRO ON (TRO.EventID=1.ID) " +"WHERE tbl1.ID = @ID AND tStatus = '1'"\[/code\]This is as close as I could get after trying several different attempts\[code\] Dim myAttendees = (From x In db.tbl1 From trans In db.tbl2.Where(Function(c) c.EventID = x.ID) From atten In db.tbl3.Where(Function(p) p.trxID = trans.tID) From users In db.tbl4.Where(Function(p) p.GUID.ToString = trans.UserID.ToString) From regoptions In db.tbl5.Where(Function(p) p.EventID = x.ID) Where ((x.ID = id) AndAlso (trans.tStatus = True)) Select atten.taFName, atten.taLName, trans.tPhoneNumber, atten.taEMail, users.FName, users.LName, trans.tGatewayTrxID, regoptions.rsTitle)\[/code\]