TSQL Multi-Part Identifier Could Not Be Found


New Member
We are attempting to update the \[code\]LastUpdateDateTime\[/code\] column to the value of the \[code\]Stamp\[/code\] column in another database, on another server via this query:\[code\]update [NEWTON-DB].NEWTON.dbo.vital_signs set lastupdatedatetime = coalesce ((select top 1 stamp from [SERVER2].NEWTON.dbo.vital_sign where rowguid in (select oldrowguid from [NEWTON-DB].NEWTON.dbo.import_log where tablename = 'vital_sign' and newid = [NEWTON-DB].NEWTON.dbo.vital_signs.id)), coalesce(lastupdatedatetime, getutcdate()))\[/code\]The import_log table is simply the inner join to fetch the new id based off the old \[code\]rowguid\[/code\] if that makes any sense.When they were on the same server this query worked fine, but after migrating I get the following error: \[quote\] The multi-part identifier "NEWTON-DB.NEWTON.dbo.vital_signs.id" could not be bound.\[/quote\]Is there something blindingly obvious we're missing. Thanks so much in advance!