Trying to get php to output xml with full url instead of relative path


New Member
I have this working fine in browser but air for ios need the full address.\[code\]<?php $path_to_image_dir = 'Games/game_images/'.$username; $xml_string = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?><data> <LoaderMax name=\"gallery\">"; if ( $handle = opendir( $path_to_image_dir ) ) { $i = 1; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ( is_file($path_to_image_dir.'/'.$file) ) { $xml_string .= "<ImageLoader url=\"" . $path_to_image_dir."/".$file . "\" />"; } } closedir($handle); }$xml_string .= "</LoaderMax></data>";$ignore = array('.','..','cgi-bin','.DS_Store');$file = fopen($username.'_imagesfile.xml','w');fwrite($file, $xml_string);fclose($file);?>\[/code\]this is the xml result:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?><data> <LoaderMax name="gallery"><ImageLoader url="Games/game_images/mrpeepers/1365535674.jpg" /><ImageLoader url="Games/game_images/mrpeepers/1365535527.jpg" /></LoaderMax></data>\[/code\]works on ios if address is added by hand \[code\]http://wwww.mysite.ccom/Games/game_images/mrpeeper/1365535674.jpg\[/code\]