Trying to create a Javascript link within what I believe are variables?


New Member
I downloaded a theme and seem to be having some trouble. The page in question is here - product is created using (if I've been explained correctly) Javascript variables. See below:\[code\] 1: {name: 'Bar Soap',scent: 'Cucumber & Oatmeal, Patchouli, Peppermint, Frankincense, Holiday, Coffee & Hazelnut, Apple, and more',size: '1 bar',price: '3.<span class="small">95</span>',short_desc: 'An innovative and moisturizing way to keep shower time fun.',desc: 'Since we all love being happy naked, why not keep it that way? Treat yourself to scrumptious skincare with Naked Bar, an innovative and moisturizing way to keep shower time fun.'},\[/code\]I enter the information here and it corresponds to the code here:\[code\] __ += '<li id="wine-list-'+i+'">'',</li>'; full += '<div id="wine-info-'+i+'" class="wine-info transition-05"><h2>''</h2><h4></h4>'+ '<div class="line"></div>'+ '<div class="price">$'+wines.price+'</div>'+ '<div class="lbl"><label>Scent:</label><span>'+wines.scent+'</span></div>'+ '<div class="lbl"><label>Size:</label><span>'+wines.size+'</span></div>'+ '<div class="img"></div>'+ '<div class="bottle-x"></div>'+ '<div class="desc">'+wines.desc+'</div>'+ '<div class="order">'+wines.order+'</div>'+ '</div>';\[/code\]Currently, the "order now" button that shows up on that product page appears on each product, but cannot be linked. The div class of "order" above was added at the advice of a coder friend; it makes the button appear, but we can't make it work. I have added this below the "desc" line in the first code block with no luck:\[code\] order: '<a onClick="location.href=''" href=""></a>'\[/code\]So... help! How do I make this work?