Troubles with IMG-Tag using Netscape Navigator


Hi together<br />
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Maybe someone has a good idea to solve my problem. - I did not find a solution on my own :)<br />
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Ok the problem is that I have some pictures on my homepage which should show "rounded edges" (have a look at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). When I have a look at my site with the internet explorer or the starofficebrowser everything looks fine.<br />
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Netscape seems to make a spaceline (1 pixel-width) on the top and on the left side of the images altough I used the vspace=0 and hspace=0 commands.....<br />
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How can I solve that ? - many thanks to everyone who has a comment on that problem.<br />
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regards - Markus<!--content-->Is this a page you are actually going to use, or was this just a game to see if anyone could find the right code in the frame-within-frame-within... Rather like one of those Russian wooden dolls, isn't it?<br />
No, I don't know about those tiny lines, but if the page is for real, I think you have bigger problems. For instance, some of those frames are none-scrolling, so some of your links will vanish at normal resolutions. At 800x600 I could see Kontakt in 2 out of 3 browser, but Links in none of them. Also, I think the frames that have /body before content will be in trouble on some browsers.<!--content-->no its realy a "real" page....thank you for the input about the buttons on the bottom - this frame should better be scrollable you are right :)<!--content-->Hi, I'm not sure if this is a page problem or table problem. try using marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" in your body tag of that frame and see whats happens.<!--content-->I'd check your IMG tags to make sure a border=0 is included. Also in the table itself, make sure cellspacing=0 and cellpadding=0.<!--content-->You solved my problems....<br />
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I had to place the following into the body-tag of the "problem"-frames:<br />
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<body marginheight="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" marginwidth="0"><br />
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In deed the marginwidth and marginheight seems to solve that. - many many thanks to all of you :))<!--content-->