I am working with Jira/Rally and the the Ruby connector. I was tapped to test out the connector and make sure it will do everything we need. I have to confess that this isn't my area of expertise, I am unable to find relevant help on the Rally site and the previous topics here were tied to different issues. The error I am running into is:\[code\][2013-01-18 15:21:38 Z] DEBUG : Finding method getIssuesFromJqlSearch[2013-01-18 15:21:39 Z] ERROR : ConnectorRunner.rescue in run_services - Unexpected exception occurred[2013-01-18 15:21:39 Z] ERROR : ConnectorRunner.exception - Message undefined method `key' for nil:NilClass[2013-01-18 15:21:39 Z] ERROR : ConnectorRunner.exception - Stack Trace\[/code\]I am connecting to both services just fine (after having worked through some fun proxy issues), and am working off the base jira_config.xml that comes with the connector. I have changed only the required fields, ie UN/PW/URL/Project/WorkspaceRelevant xml code:\[code\]<RallyConnection> <Url>rally1.rallydev.com</Url> <WorkspaceName>CMSJiraIntegrationTestWorkspace</WorkspaceName> <Projects> <Project>Sample Project</Project> </Projects> <User>***************</User> <Password>encoded-T-i-F-j-b-2-x-l-M-j-A-=-</Password> <ArtifactType>Defect</ArtifactType> <ExternalIDField>JiraDefectKey</ExternalIDField> <CrosslinkUrlField>JiraLink</CrosslinkUrlField> </RallyConnection> <JiraConnection> <Url></Url> <User>***************</User> <Password>encoded-a-m-F-t-Z-X-M-u-Y-m-V-p-b-n-M-=-</Password> <ArtifactType>Bug</ArtifactType> <Project>SP</Project> <ExternalIDField>RallyID</ExternalIDField> <CrosslinkUrlField>RallyURL</CrosslinkUrlField> <CopySelectors> <CopySelector>Status != Closed</CopySelector> </CopySelectors> </JiraConnection>\[/code\]Does anyone have insight as to why this would fail?The help is much appreciated