Trouble with radiobuttons and "onclick" event


New Member
Hi folx,

I'm having trouble with radiobuttons and click event on JavaScript.

Check this piece of code:
<!-- Begin

function Update_Info() {
var i;
var Cadena;
alert('Number of radiobuttons=' + document.academicos.raRegistro2.length);
renglon = -999999;
for (i=0;i<document.academicos.raRegistro2.length;i++){
if (document.academicos.raRegistro2.checked) {
renglon = i;
Cadena = document.academicos.raRegistro2.Sarta;
alert('Radiobutton Checked is in line ' + renglon);


<FORM NAME="academicos" ACTION = "./nom_mostrar_info.php?IndTabla=3" METHOD="POST">
<TD><INPUT TYPE = 'RADIO' NAME = 'raRegistro2' ID='CELDA17' SARTA='A|B|C|D' onClick='javascript:Update_Info()'></TD>
I assume that

document.academicos.raRegistro2.length = 1

because there's one radiobutton in the page at the beginning.

When I click on the radiobutton, the function "Update_Info()" must verify what radiobutton I clicked.

The sentence

alert('Number of radiobuttons='+document.academicos.raRegistro2.length);

sends me the following message:

Number of radiobuttons=undefined

instead of

Number of radiobuttons=1

If "document.academicos.raRegistro2.length" is "undefined", logically the for... loop doesn't work, althought I did click the radiobutton.

But, if you add another radiobutton below the existent one,

<TD><INPUT TYPE = 'RADIO' NAME = 'raRegistro2' ID='CELDA12' SARTA='C|D|E|F' onClick='javascript:Update_Info()'></TD>

the code works beautiful (number of radiobuttons = 2, radiobutton checked is in line 1 or 2 , etc)

What am I doing wrong?
How must be initialized the length of raRegistro2?

Thanx in advance!
