trouble with ie5.5


<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
Hi from dave. I a seeing a red line under under my images in ie5.5 they arent showing in nn4.7 . Here is a copy of the style file for ie. I not sure but i think the red line is inherited from the layer1div but i am new to css and im not sure.<br />
Thank you dave <br />
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#layer1Div {position:absolute; left:100; top:100; width:175; height:250; background-color:red; layer-background-color:transparent; visibility:visible;} <br />
#layer2Div {position:absolute; left:100; top:500; width:400; height:800; background-color:white; layer-background-color:white; visibility:visible;} <br />
#layer3Div {position:absolute; left:530; top:100; width:200; background-color:white; layer-background-color:white; visibility:visible;} <br />
#layer4Div {position:absolute; left:60; top:1320; width:500; background-color:white; layer-background-color:white; visibility:visible;} <br />
#layer5Div {position:absolute; left:200; top:840; width:500; background-color:white; layer-background-color:white; visibility:visible;} <br />
#layer6Div {position:absolute; left:400; top:120; background-color:white; layer-background-color:white; visibility:visible;} <br />
#table {position:absolute; left:200; top:600; font-weight:bold; color : #00ff00;} <br />
#title {position:absolute; left:200; top:30; width:400; font-size:18pt; font-weight:bold; color : #00ff00; font-style:italic;} <br />
#links {position:absolute; left:15; top:110; width:100; font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold;} <br />
#content {position:absolute; left:120; top:85; width:400; font-size:10pt; color : #000000;} <br />
#right {position:absolute; right:0; top:85; width:100; font-size:10pt; color : #000000;} <br />
P { color: #000000; font-size: 12pt } <br />
P:first-letter { color: #0000ff; font-size: 150% } <br />
P:first-line { color: #000000 } <br />
A:link, A:visited, A:active { text-decoration: none } <br />
A:link {text-color: red } <br />
A:hover {text-decoration: underline } <br />
A:active { color: red } <br />
A:visited { color: red } <br />
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BODY {font-family:"Arial";}<!--content-->What's the height and width of the culprit picture?<!--content-->looks like the div tag is bigger than the table. that color is coming from layer1Div I think.<!--content-->Thank you scoutt and grifter2 i am going to mess with the div1 height and see if that is the problem .<br />
the hieght is 600 standard the width varies. The line is only about 20 pixels but i didnt want a red line outside of the cellpadding dave<!--content-->just take the width and heights out<br />
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#layer1Div {position:absolute; left:100; top:100; background-color:red; layer-background-color:transparent; visibility:visible;} <br />
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the reason NN4.x didn't see it is becasue Netscape doesn't like position:absolute; along with most CSS, so it just ignores it.<!--content-->:)Hi Scoutt. I took the hieght and width out of the style sheet but overlap of the red is still there??ps nn has a different style sheet but it has the same values for this occurance and it is displaying no red?? confused dave<!--content-->z-indexes??<!--content-->I will tell you why. IE will use both CSS scripts. take the styleNN.css out and see if it clears up. you have to use a little bit of code to determine what browser the user has to load the correct css file. try this. put it between the head tags in place of your existing one. and the reason NN doesn't show it is because it doesn't support it. what you also could do is take the backround color out of the styleNN.css script.<br />
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<br />
<script language="JavaScript"><br />
if((navigator.appName=='Netscape') && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)==4)) document.write("<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styleNN.css">");<br />
else document.write("<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">");<br />
</script><!--content-->Hey Scoutt, I took out the netscape style totally refreshed the page and the red line was still there????Dave<!--content-->#layer1Div {position:absolute; left:100; top:100; width:175; height:250; background-color:red; layer-background-color:transparent; visibility:visible;}<br />
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I found the fix <br />
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#layer1Div {position:absolute; left:100; top:100; width:175; height:250; background-color:white; layer-background-color:transparent; visibility:visible;} <br />
Changing the layer background from red to white solved it <br />
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thanks all<br />