trouble with a form! HEEELLLPPP!


Hi everybody!<br />
<br />
I was wondering if someone could help me with a form.<br />
I used Dreamweaver MX to make my form, but I can't get it to work properly!<br />
My form opens the Outlook Express, but the content area stays empty! (where did I go wrong?)<br />
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My second problem is:<br />
<br />
What can i do to prevent Outlook Express to open.<br />
(I want the info mailed to me in the background)<br />
How can i achieve such thing??<br />
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I attached my bad form I made in Dreamweaver!<br />
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Please help! :confused:<!--content-->Hallo,<br />
<br />
of course you can mail a form to an e-mailaddress while using mailto, but you need a script language to bundle all formfields to one body string.<!--content-->Ok..... But how?<!--content-->If your server supports PHP I would use that instead.<!--content-->Originally posted by ctrl-t <br />
Ok..... But how? <br />
<br />
what kind of script-lang you can use?<!--content-->Dear Olaf<br />
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The server my site runs on supports PHP 3+4, but I have no knowledge of PHP yet!<br />
It also supports Perl 5.6!<br />
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Greetz... Ctrl-T<!--content-->Take a look at this <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Originally posted by soccer362001 <br />
Take a look at this <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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Thanx soccer362001 for this usefull link!<br />
<br />
I think I'll learn from it!<br />
I'm going to test the sample script soon!<br />
I'll get back here weather it works or not... just to let ya know!<br />
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:cool: Thanx again!<!--content-->Your welcome<!--content-->I tested the script and it works!!!<br />
GREAT<br />
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Now I would like to add some formvalidation....<br />
how can I do that in the script provided at www, ??????<br />
<br />
I need validation on <br />
phonenumbers (containing only digits and dashes)<br />
e-mail (containing "@" and some domain ".???")<br />
a date (containing some year "1900" or "2002")<br />
all enties filed<br />
<br />
etc. etc.<br />
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Can I do this in the "mailer.php", or do I have to add a normal html-like validation in the formdocument???????<!--content-->Hi,<br />
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it's up to you: You can use a serverside validation using php or you can do this onthe clientsise using Javascript. If you are familar with the clienside i suggest to this. The good point here is that no access to webserver is needed during the validation.<!--content-->Yes I would recommend JavaScript for validation.<!--content-->Not sure if any are worthwhile, but there are some form validation scripts here:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... n&catid=26</a><!-- m --><br />
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May be worth a look!<br />
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