New Member
Hi All,I was wondering if anyone could help me.I've put a site together and managed to get enough links for it to be a pr4, its been up now since last feb.Ive been tweaking and tweaking it but Im still failing to get ranked for my main product keyword of 'sack trucks' in google. I would like to see some sign of ranking on the first page before I start to add the rest of my products so I know where Ive been going wrong and how to get things back on track.Can anyone take a look at my site and give me a few pointers on where Im going wrong.My site is http://workplace-essentials.co.uk/Any tips and comments would be appreciated thanks.Your site is optimized for "workplace essentials" - not "sack trucks" Your site comes in #4 on Google out of 1,630,000 for "workplace essentials" There are only 775,000 websites competing for "sack trucks" and most of the top 10 have lower Google PR than your site. Optimize your site for "sack trucks" and you should have no problem coming in the number 1 or 2 position.Do the following:Replace workplace essentials with sack trucks in your title tag.Make sack trucks your first item in your keyword tags instead of your fourth.Replace the All Products and All Catagories links at the top of your page with the phrase "sack trucks" using <H1> tags. Put the llinks someplace else.Write a short paragraph about "sack trucks" and place it so it shows up towards the beginning in the spider crawl of the page. Title the paragraph "sack trucks" using <H2> tags.These few things should bring you to the top of the serps for your desired search phrase - not much competition for this phrase.One thing you can do is add an article on the "Sack Trucks" with lots of links pointing to your sack trucks pages.Also make sure you design the meta keywords, description,title appropriate for sack trucks.hi all. i am new with google pr thing, and i would like to ask you guys more about this pr. because my pr never rise since i join that google. can some one help me please. thank you.my website is http://www.hurray.com.au[/url]Some of your pictures are not showing on the home page.You should use your keyword 'sack trucks' througout your site.Format your keyword e.g. H1, H2, Bold, Underline, Italic etc.