Trivial problem ;)


New Member
Hi guys!<BR><BR>I hava a small problem, but right now it's really buggin me.<BR><BR>The thing is, I've got an aspx page with few textfield and one DropDownList.<BR><BR>When I press the button at the bottom of the page I want to take the values from the various fields and use them.<BR><BR>Now the problem! <BR>To get the value from the DropDownList I'm using ddlCategory.SelectedItem.Value in the function private void btnNew_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e). It works fine, but I always get the value from the first item in the DropDownList no matter what I select from it.<BR><BR>Why??? ;)I've found the problem ;)<BR><BR>Forgot to use the (!Page.IsPostBack) .. thanx anyways<BR><BR>