Triggering page submit from another frame


New Member
I have a window with 2 frames. In one frame, mainFrame, I have a regular button, not a submit/reset. In my second frame are going to be loaded pages that can only be completed by a submit. Each page has its own submit, but what I am trying to do is to get it so that each page, regardless of its content, will perform a submit operation when the button in mainFrame is clicked, kind of as a 'remote control' submit. The code I've included is what I've tried so far, but its so far gone I know it doesn't work. Any help on this is appreciated.


<!--Next and Back buttons page

<script language="javascript">
function nextBack()

<!--<form name="form1" action="parent.document.forms[0].submit()" target="menuFrame">
<input type="button" value="Back">
<input type="button" value="Next" onclick="nextBack()">

