Tricky .htaccess and Drupal problem


New Member
1) I have a Drupal site located at \[code\]\[/code\] and I have a directory located at \[code\]\[/code\], but I also have a Drupal page with an alias of \[code\]\[/code\]. How can I get the Drupal page to serve? Currently, I get a 403 forbidden page as a result of the \[code\]Options -Indexes\[/code\] declaration in Drupal's .htaccess file, but I do not want to remove this as I do not want directories to be browsable.EDIT: I have solved this with the following rule:\[code\]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -dRewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://localhost/s2k/index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]\[/code\]2) To make the problem even more difficult, given the same scenario, if I have an \[code\]index.html\[/code\] file inside the directory \[code\]\[/code\] I always want this to take priority over Drupal's aliased page (which it does at the moment - currently I have modified the .htaccess file so that any directory with an index.html file displays it - \[code\]DirectoryIndex index.php index.html\[/code\]).EDIT:So now, how can I write a RewriteCond that will look to see whether or not there is an index.html file inside the directory?