TreeView Control Not Displaying Correctly


New Member
I'm taking my first crack at the TreeView Control using the code from the MSDN sample page, and I'm not sure why my data isn't appearing in a tree structure. Rather, each of the nodes appear just as a straight line of text as shown below. I'm not getting any parser error messages. Thanks.<BR><BR>It should work like this:<BR><BR><BR>My code copied directly from MSDN:<BR><BR><%@ import namespace="Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls" %><BR><%@ register TagPrefix="mytree" <BR>Namespace="Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls" <BR>Assembly ="Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls" %><BR><html><BR><head><BR></head><BR><body><BR><form id="myform" runat="server"><BR><mytree:treeview runat="server" ChildType="Folder"><BR><mytree:treenodetype Type="Folder"<BR> ExpandedImageUrl="./images/folderopen.gif"<BR> ImageUrl="./images/folder.gif" /><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Michigan"><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Detroit" /><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Farmington" /><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Southfield" /><BR> </mytree:treenode><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Washington" ><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Bellevue" /><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Redmond" /><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Woodinville" /><BR> </mytree:treenode><BR></mytree:treeview><BR></form> <BR></body><BR></html><BR><BR>My results:<BR><BR>Michigan Detroit Farmington Southfield Washington Bellevue Redmond WoodinvilleHi Eric,<BR><BR>I had this same problem when first trying to get the WebControls to work. Basically it confused me for ages - I then uninstalled IIS and .NET and then made sure I installed them in the correct order - then it worked! I think that the basic problem is that the .NET stuff is really picky about the way in which you install components - not very technical I know but it was the only way I got mine to work.<BR><BR>Good Luck<BR><BR>Dan