TreeView Client Behaviour Problem


New Member
&nbsp;<BR>Hello Everybody !<BR><BR> I am trying to make a directory structure by<BR>using TreeView IE WebControl while developing a B2B<BR>site ....<BR> <BR> But my code for treeview works quite fine with<BR>Netscape 4.7 but not with IE 6.0 or Netscape 6.1...<BR><BR> Here is what I did..<BR><BR> I installed the IE WebControls from MS and added<BR>reference to it in my web project .. then wrote a<BR>simple code for the treeview...<BR><BR> The problem is that no treeview is shown though<BR>no error shows only plain text as the<BR>output...such as this..<BR><BR> FIRSTNODE SUBNODE1 SUBNODE2<BR><BR>Here is my code :<BR><BR><%@ Register TagPrefix="mytree"<BR>Namespace="Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls"<BR>Assembly="Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls"%><BR><%@ Import Namespace="Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls"%><BR><%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false"<BR>Codebehind="firstTree.aspx.vb"<BR>Inherits="exLogin.firstTree"%><BR><BR><HTML><BR> <HEAD><BR> <title>firstTree</title><BR> </HEAD><BR> <body><BR> <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server"><BR> <mytree:TreeView id="oTree" runat="server"><BR> <mytree:TreeNode Text="FIRSTNODE"><BR> <mytree:TreeNode Text="SUBNODE1"/> <BR> <mytree:TreeNode Text="SUBNODE2" /> <BR> </mytree:TreeNode><BR> </mytree:TreeView><BR> </form><BR> </body><BR></HTML><BR><BR><BR> After a while what I figured out is that the code<BR>works fine with Netscape 4.7 but not with IE 6.0..<BR><BR> what could be the problem..can anybody help on this<BR>one..?<BR><BR> Any help in this regard will be greatly<BR>appreciated !<BR><BR> Thanx !<BR>