transparent backgrounds


Does anyone know how to make the background of an IFrame transparent?I have a background on my site with an Ifram over the top and I want to be able to see the background through the Iframe but dont know how to do it or if it can even be done!<br />
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If anyone can help i would be really grateful!<!--content-->hi valhala_90...<br />
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i'm not sure how far back this is supported but try this:<br />
<br />
allowtransparency="true" background-color="transparent"<br />
<br />
if anyone would like to test that to see which browsers allow it and which don't... please report back with that info.<br />
thanks...<br />
edit:I figured that I better edit this to avoid even more confusion and frustration than is sure to be experienced with this transparency thing to begin with:<br />
<br />
This is how it is "supposed" to work:<br />
<br />
<br />
<iframe name="yourFrame" src="yourFile.htm" allowtransparency="true" style="position:absolute; top:50; left:50"><br />
<br />
This goes in the iframe src file:<br />
<body style="background-color:transparent"><br />
<br />
I would definitley like to hear back from anyone who has gotten this to work for them (and which browser they viewed it on).<br />
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;) k<!--content-->YOU ARE A GENIUS!!!<br />
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It works in IE5! Ive been trying to figure that out for about 2 months now thank you!<br />
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Did you already know that or did you find the script on a website?<!--content-->Did you already know that or did you find the script on a website?Actually, I was born with that knowledge (lol) ;)<br />
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no, but seriously... i was a spectator to a raging debate among 2 Russian programmers who nearly started throwing fists over this issue :eek: <br />
(don't ask!)<br />
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anyway... i've never forgotten it since then (although I have not used it because it does not seem to work with much consistancy across a wide range of browsers).<br />
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so... which v5 did you test it on?<br />
<br />
oh... and just a quick fyi:<br />
you probably caused many people to spit milk out of their nose when you called me a genius :rolleyes:<br />
(but thanks anyway :) )<br />
<br />
;) k<!--content-->Originally posted by khaki <br />
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no, but seriously... i was a spectator to a raging debate among 2 Russian programmers who nearly started throwing fists over this issue :eek: <br />
(don't ask!)<br />
<br />
<br />
How sad!<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
so... which v5 did you test it on?<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
tested it on 5.5.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
oh... and just a quick fyi:<br />
you probably caused many people to spit milk out of their nose when you called me a genius :rolleyes:<br />
(but thanks anyway :) )<br />
<br />
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Im sure they will get over it! why would they react like that though?<!--content-->Originally posted by valhala_90 <br />
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why would they react like that though? <br />
<br />
I mean to say :eek: as if we would LOL<br />
<br />
Khaki: what if they weren't drinking milk?? <br />
LOL<!--content-->Khaki: what if they weren't drinking milk?? was too early in the day for margaritas! :) <br />
<br />
;) k<!--content-->